The Strategic Planning and Student Success Division is responsible for coordinating and updating BOR’s Master Plan, including the development of policy, resources, and initiatives to support Master Plan goals. The division also shares responsibility for many statewide and federal reporting requirements, responding to legislative requests and resolutions, and fulfilling data requests from a wide range of stakeholders. The section oversees the registration and licensure of non-academic proprietary schools in Louisiana, as well as statewide workforce and education planning.
Master Plan for Higher Education
Article VIII of Louisiana’s Constitution authorizes the Board of Regents (BoR) to develop a master plan for higher education in Louisiana. This Master Plan provides a broad vision for the State’s higher education system and acknowledges its interdependence with the economy and its many contributions toward better lives for Louisiana’s citizenry. The actions outlined in this Plan are guided by the reality that Louisiana must raise the educational attainment of its adult citizens if it is to compete successfully in the 21st-century world economy. The Plan also addresses the need to strategically invest in targeted research to sustain and expand the State’s economic development. Finally, increased accountability is a common thread that undergirds every element of this Master Plan.
To move Louisiana aggressively forward, the Board of Regents has embraced a robust new attainment goal that calls for 60% of all working-age adults (ages 25-64) in Louisiana to hold a degree or high-value credential by 2030. As we stand on the brink of a new decade, this Master Plan, born of the Board of Regents’ unique charge to guide postsecondary education across the state, will set the foundation to increase opportunity. Our Talent Imperative is to Educate, Innovate, and Collaborate.
Master Plan for Higher Education
Master Plan Data Dashboard
Teacher Education Initiatives
Institutional Licensure
The Board of Regents serves as the authorizing body for post-secondary schools operating in Louisiana that are not part of Louisiana State System Schools. This includes occupational and trade schools, defined as Proprietary Schools and Degree-Granting schools, both those that offer Academic Degrees and Religious Degrees.
Data and Policies
SPSS Staff
Name | Title | |
Susannah F. Craig, Ph.D. | Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Planning and Student Success | |
Lisa Vosper Smith, Ph.D. | Senior Associate Commissioner for Workforce Education, Collaboration and Engagement | |
Mellynn Baker | Associate Commissioner for Student Success and Strategic Initiatives | |
Chris Yandle, Ph.D., APR | Associate Commissioner for Strategic Communications | |
Michelle DeMeulenaere, Ph.D. | Assistant Commissioner for Strategic Planning & Student Success | |
Allison Smith, Ph.D. | Assistant Commissioner for Student Health and Wellness | |
Allison Vicknair | Assistant Commissioner for Student Success and Strategic Initiatives | |
Melissa Anders | Program Administrator, Teacher & Leadership Initiatives | |
Courtney Britton | Director of Licensure | |
Chandra Cheatham | Director of Procurement Services & Assistant Director of Proprietary Schools | |
Christina Cheek | Program Coordinator, Teacher/Leadership and STEM/Cybersecurity Initiatives | |
Alysia Delone | Program Manager for Student Health and Wellness | |
Brianna Golden, J.D. | Director of Government Affairs | |
Mighan Johnson | Assistant Program Manager, Proprietary Schools | |
Ryleigh Kühn | Communications Specialist | |
Lupe Lamadrid, Ph.D. | Senior Policy Analyst | |
Antonio Williams | Assistant Program Manager, Proprietary Schools | |
Annie Evans | Administrative Assistant | |
Cara Landry | Executive Assistant/Program Coordinator | |